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We are delighted to invite you, together with your family and friends, to St Paul’s for Christmas.  Do join us as we celebrate the Christmas story and connect with one another at this special time of year.

Sunday 12th December
| 10.30am

A Nativity service telling the
Christmas story with an all star
Children’s Ministry cast

Sunday 19th December
| 7.00pm

Time to really start getting in to the Christmas mood with the story of the birth of Jesus told in this lively service of readings and carols. A great opportunity to invite friends

Friday 24th December
| 4.00pm

A lovely service of light and hope. Come with your Christingle ready to participate in this fun, family friendly service

Sunday 24th December
| 11.00pm

A reflective service of Holy Communion where we celebrate the birth of Jesus - the true meaning of Christmas

Sunday 25th December
| 10.30am

All Age Communion - The whole family are invited for an hour of favourite Christmas carols, readings and a short talk on the Nativity story


Whether you’ve been a Christian for many years or are just beginning to explore who God is, we hope that this Advent you’ll have a greater sense of knowing that ‘God is with you’ in the ups and downs of life. 


These cards can be used to help us to focus on God and reflect on where we've seen Him at work in our days.

You can send in testimonies to or send a message via facebook messenger

Advent Reflection

Invite your friends and family

Share on Social media

Over the next week, St Paul's will be sharing more details about what you can expect from the Christmas services this year. Spread the word by sharing posts you see with your friends and family via Facebook or Instagram.

Or download these posts to create your own posts! Either click on the image to download or you can download them all using the dowload button

Christmas at St Paul's is going to be an amazing opportunity to listen to some incredible music, join in with the fun of the St Paul's Christmas nativity and hear about the Good News of Jesus Christ this Christmas.

Below are some ways that you can invite your friends and family, and share together in this year's Christmas celebrations:

Download invite pack

Click to download an invitation pack including:


• Social media posts

• Printable invitation card

• Email invite


Invitation cards are also available from the fellowship area.

Watch Party

If you are joining online Facebook and Youtube both have watch party features. This means you can watch the Christmas services at the same time as anyone, anywhere!

Why not organise a Christmas jumper watch party with a group of friends or family.

Click the link to find out how to set up a watch party on:

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